WinDataBack Scale Configuration Management Software

WinDataBack scale configuration management software is an easy-to-use scale configuration software that supports the central management of data and configuration relating to METTLER TOLEDO retail scales and prepack systems.

The software gives technicians real-time access to the devices installed at the store level. WinDataBack is therefore the ideal tool for internal helpdesk employees. It offers them a clear and convenient way of ensuring uniformity and conformity of all the data supplied to in-store scales and saves valuable time by minimizing duplication of effort.

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WinDataBack Scale Configuration Management Software Specifications

VTC250 Concrete deck truck scale


Description Scale Configuration Management Software
Operating System Windows XP, Windows 7, Server 2013
Memory RAM: 2 GB; Hard disk: Windataback requires 41 MB of disk space
Connections Arcnet, Ethernet
Languages English
Remarks All software sales are final.

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